right now

here are a couple iphone snapshots from my insanely busy life right now. by the way although i am without sleep and busy as can be, i am also as happy as a clam because two days ago i saw giant tillandsia clusters suspended from waterfall filled greenhouses and i get to go back soon, i am working and hanging out with brilliant and creative folks that love plants as much as me at dwell on design, i have baby chickens sleeping in my bathroom right now (and am considering keeping them - chicken mama for reals!), and terri planty is getting her show on at DOD on for two more days!


p.s. the super duper talented laure did a post on the air plant heaven i visited, still looking for it so that i may link it up. stay posted.


  1. I want to be there right now! All those antler ferns look sooo beautiful... and the baby chicken...(as a child i tried several times to breed eggs with my body warmth, but they always broke sooner or later)you´re so lucky :)

  2. I just an air plant and am clueless on what to do with it outside now. I was thinking of mounting it and you have given me the push to do it!

  3. @ bananenblatt - i think i did the same thing with eggs! how funny. :)

    @ courtneyoutloud - you can do it outside so long as it gets a lot of moisture. make sure you water in plenty but allow for it dry out between watering. good luck!
