i have so many posts that are halfway there, i gots to get myself busy posting. these recently made terrariums being on that same to do list. wanted to share with you some of my recent plantings and scenes. i have also been very busy with custom work - i just wrapped up a wedding! yes thats right! a wedding! within each terrarium was a scene of the couple doing their favorite activities - such as club dancing (the title of that piece was "(fill in the name here) dropping it like its hot" - and by the way the dude was the one with the fancy low riding moves in that piece!
lots going on in my life emotionally with looking for a new home and the rest of it and the truth is, all i really want to talk about is my chickens! they are still patiently living a large dog kennel (but of course i let them run free in the yard every chance i can - which is daily! saturday they spent the entire day roaming the yard!)
but the dog kennel is not a proper home, they are getting so big so quickly, so yesterday i met with my grandfather and grandmother at their ranch and we began our plan for the new chicken coop. my grandparents own 11 chickens now. they have had chickens since i can remember. their home is where my chicken love affair began. i used to sleep with a chicken in my bed when i was little.
while there we roamed the web and books looking for inspiration and then ventured out to their coop to get inspiration. their coop is large and lovely, has been standing for over 30 years now! mine will be smaller. roof top garden is a must and it has to be easy to disassemble considering i am not sure what my next living situation will be. (of course i also had to take a garden tour while there, love me some plant action, took home some lavender for the dining table vase).
so the plan for the coop is in place, next we buy materials and start the building! i will keep you posted on the process. in the meantime a really long photo shoot of my silly girls - they are getting so big! erick is a proud chicken father - he likes to hang out with them ALOT and as you can see we do not have a case of unfriendly chickens. they are the sweetest ever! (i figured since i haven't blogged in so long, i might as well bombard you with chicken photos!)
we just wrapped up the la renegade craft fair. it was good times as expected. ran around barefoot and embraced the warm weather. new products were a hit! all my gfs, family, boyfriend, even my grandma were sporting my new terrarium necklaces. the super awesome natalie of fashion intel and artist / designer / urban farmer friends greg and angie brought me tomatoes from their garden!! delish! met so many amazing folks and vendors. i even scored some gifts to self! i will for sure share those later. in the meantime since i am still a zombie from the whole thing, i share with you just a few photos i took from the event. i am still waiting for a few more from family.
thinking our next gig might be a farmer's market... any suggestions? we did super well with seed bombs and little terrariums with mini gardeners in them. thinking of building on the whole gardening theme.
my hands keep moving, i am making things galore! the renegade craft fair is sooo close. lots of new treasures to reveal. so many new faces to meet, old friends to see. i don't have too much to write right now since i gotta get busy. but i share with you a couple photos of whats to come...
as usual there is a never a dull moment round these parts. so many things going on, most notably i am getting ready for the renegade craft fair and cannot wait to share with you all the new things we've been making. i used to get really really nervous before these events, but now that its not my first rodeo i am feeling more and more focused on the pleasures of being in the moment of making. sneak peaks coming soon.
in other news we might be moving, well at least we are looking. a lot. its time, for many reasons. but with that i have to give up my garden here and find a new pile of dirt to play with and revamp. this one was just getting so wild, mature and beautiful, but its not mine and i am actually really looking forward to the process of starting anew. besides my neighbors are going to score with lots of plants as gifts from my garden, while many others will have to come with me. anyone else had to leave a garden they loved and had mixed emotions? tell me all about it. did you dig up plants and bring them with? did you worry about their future mother? did you say all is well, next garden please! share it up my friends... :)