pure green living

i am always seeking out other blogs or print that write about gardening and i have to say, there are few and far between that cover the gardening lifestyle to its fullest potential or their focus is very specific. in this blog i have aspired to bring you gardening inspiration for the outdoors and indoors. i began making terrariums for friends who didn't have big yards like myself, and that was part of what began my obsession of filling my interiors with just as much planted love as my home's exterior.

my point being, that i make it my mission to find the full scoop on whats going down in the gardening world inside and out! so when i came across the magazine pure green living, for the first time today i was so excited to see another venue (other than my beloved sunset and garden design) that had a fresh and informative perspective on the gardening lifestyle. perhaps you were already in the loop. but just in case, i wanted to share it here with you!

check out their page here.


if you have any recommendations or favorite blogs, sites or print on gardening that you would like to share - please please do!

1 comment:

  1. looks awesome, i'd love to read the article on bees for sure...i get stung every spring without fail for no reason and this year, no bees...no stinging...still lots of honey...it doesn't add up, no? but i watch a lot of unsolved mysteries and cold case files...so you know...take it with a grain of salt.
