i am a little obsessed with my cats. alright maybe a lot. whatever.
with that being said here are some darling shots of my mr. looey sporting his outdoor kitty harness. he used to get to run around free but he went a little too far into the hood and my hood ain't the safest town for 4 paws. so this was our compromise. and i must say he looks handsome. and happy.
more terrarium photos to come, but i am SICK. yup. super cold got the best of me so i am in the bed and a little bit in the garden too (gotta get some fresh air). point being until i have got to get better so that i can terri planty it up, cuz i have got some sweet ideas to showcase. until then, sweet dreams.
p.s. arugula is growing wild all over my yard! it had grown high and low and looey thinks it is coolest hiding spot imaginable. you know what they call argula - the italian weed. its true! at least you can pull it and then take a bite!
more photos of my silly cat and my garden
here at squirrel hobbies.