i've been meaning to return to my little patch of blog much sooner. i have taken such a LOOOOOOOOOG break from blogging and then a series of busy storms hit, a cronic cold (that i still have yet to really kick), i moved (again), made lots of changes in my personal life, started raising a puppy, studying jewelry making, and much more... so... that was that. and in the midst of this shower of lovely chaos i got the big idea to totally change my business. no i am not going to stop making terrariums! but i have been making and doing so many other projects that i needed to reinvent my biz a bit. that being said i am not going to give away all my secrets, but i am warning you that a change is a comin! in the mean time i am going to try and blog more to help stir up the creative juices as i work through this process of relaunching. so hello again! to my favorite plant loving friends... how've you been? whats new? share with me! xoxo b